Alopecia Areata - Erfahrungsbericht über YELASAI

Alopecia Areata - Testimonial about YELASAI

Report by Naturfrisur Astrid Feurstein - Your hair growth specialist in Au - Austria

Alopecia Areata - This client started experiencing circular hair loss on the back of her neck in early 2013. After two years of suffering she found our hair growth specialist Astrid Feurstein in Vorarlberg AT Through the holistic YELASAI care concept, the hair on the neck begins to grow slowly again and this without synthetic chemicals. Our approach takes place gently and through targeted cleansing and supply of biological nutrients.

Hair growth specialist in Voralberg supports with circular hair loss

In these pictures you can see the progression over 11 months. The client is in the half of the recommended cure time of our holistic scalp and hair care program. Many thanks to our hair growth specialist Astrid Feurstein and customer, for allowing us to share her experience and the pictures with you.