Oncohaircare – An initiative for cancer patients
Oncohaircare – care for hair loss during chemotherapy
When faced with a cancer diagnosis, hair loss is one of the most feared side effects and is often experienced as a catastrophe. We can empathize with this very well, because ONCOHAIRCARE was created from the perspective of those affected.
Anyone who supports clients with cancer must first understand the disease. Obtain a basic medical understanding, know the effects of cancer therapies on skin and hair, the stress customers experience and how to deal with them.
HAIR GROWTH SPECIALISTS are an international network of hairdressers who reliably and competently support people with hair problems and hair loss of all kinds.
HAIR GROWTH SPECIALISTS with the additional designation ONCOHAIRCARE have completed special specialist training that ensures professional support for cancer patients during and after their therapies.
Research in collaboration with the Fürth Women's Clinic -ONCOHAIRCARE is close to people
In collaboration with the Fürth Women's Clinic under the direction of chief physician Professor Dr. med. In the APOSTO STUDY, we specifically document and observe the course of the effects of chemotherapy on the scalp and hair.
So far, few mechanisms in the entire topic are known. With scientific findings, we learn to open doors that bring us step by step closer to the ultimate goal – complete hair preservation.
The focus is on the active and professional support that the HAIR GROWTH SPECIALIST offers. She is very much appreciated, both by patients and doctors.
The medical work is also supported by the fact that the experts are confronted with stable and cooperative patients. ONCOHAIRECARE provides this support: We provide courage and energy to persevere even in difficult phases. We are the feel-good factor; self-healing powers can be activated here. It is now widely known that inner balance is an important factor in recovery.
ONCOHAIRCARE is available from your favorite hairdresser
Actively care for the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes, consciously strengthen hair roots and supply hair with nutrients
At your HAIR GROWTH SPECIALIST in the salon, your scalp will be regularly examined and examined with a special scalp camera. It is massaged, cleaned and intensively cared for. The metabolism is activated, the hair base receives sufficient blood supply and the hair roots are supplied with more oxygen and nutrients. Your scalp remains supple and vital, the nutrients supplied give your hair the opportunity to grow even during this intensive time.
In addition to scalp care, your well-being is very important to us.
We are there when you need “SOMEONE”.
... who has an overview when you don't have it yourself
...that shows you ways that you don't yet know yourself
...that shows you processes when everything is too much for you
... who understands what you feel, think and what moves you
.…who has suggestions for solutions.
When is the ideal time?
The ideal time for ONCOHAIRCARE is always when you need it for your well-being.
If you are about to undergo chemotherapy Ideally, visit a HAIR GROWTH SPECIALIST 2 – 3 weeks before your therapy or, ideally, immediately after diagnosis.
Depending on the chemotherapy, we cannot (yet) prevent hair loss. Thanks to the intensive support, the scalp can remain supple and elastic. This gives the hair the opportunity to become more firmly anchored and to grow continuously, even during medical treatment. And if you lose your hair, we will focus together on returning, healthy hair growth.
You can look forward to your hair growing back slowly and steadily during chemotherapy.
We are also there for you if
- Sie bereits Haarausfall durch Chemo- oder Bestrahlungstherapie haben.a
- Sie kein oder kaum Haarwachstum nach der Chemo- oder Bestrahlungstherapie haben.
- Ihr Haar nach den medizinischen Therapien dünn und schwach wird oder ausfällt.
Durch die richtige Pflege von Kopfhaut und Haaren begleitet Sie Ihr HAARWUCHS-SPEZIALIST zurück zu neuem vitalen Haarwuchs.
Find a hairdresser who offers ONCOHAIRCARE – Welcome to the place to recharge your batteries!
People undergoing chemotherapy go to the hairdresser, to ONCOHAIRCARE, regardless of whether they have hair or not. In any case, they know that they will be pampered there and that you know exactly what good things you can do for their well-being.
Not only is the scalp and hair intensively cared for in order to reduce possible hair loss. You will also be taken by the hand and accompanied through this sensitive phase of life. Sometimes you meet other affected people there, chat with each other and simply exchange ideas.
What products do hair growth specialists work with?
HAIR GROWTH SPECIALISTS use YELASAI products. They are used to care for hair and skin, are not medicines or remedies and can be combined with medical therapies at any time. Only natural ingredients are used, supplemented with natural fermented herbs.
- Keine synthetischen Duft-, Farb-, Aroma- und Konservierungsstoffe
- Keine Erdölprodukte wie Paraffin und Mineralöl, Parabene, Silikone und PEG
- Keine Hormone
- Keine Nanopartikel
- Keine Tierversuche
- Hergestellt in der Schweiz
Hair care during chemotherapy - teenagers and adults short hair
- Regular price
£490.98 - Regular price
- Selling price
Hair care during chemotherapy - for children
- Regular price
£302.46 - Regular price
- Selling price
Hair care during chemotherapy - teenagers and adults long hair
- Regular price
£517.52 - Regular price
- Selling price