Wenn die Haare unerwartet ausfallen - Artikel Glückspost

When hair falls out unexpectedly: Article happiness post

When the hair falls out unexpectedly - Glückspost article

We are pleased about this successful article in the Swiss magazine Glückspost about the book "Natural help for hair loss" by Gianni Coria: https://www.glueckspost.ch/gesundheit/wenn-die-haare-unerwartet-ausfallen/.

Natural help for hair loss - The book

According to statistics, 40 percent of men and even 20 percent of women are affected by hair loss. In the course of a lifetime, every second woman complains about hair loss once. From the age of 30, three out of four men suffer from hair loss. The manifestations are manifold: bald patches, receding hairline or baldness - from diffuse to circular to complete hair loss. The reasons for this also vary. Stress, emotional unhappiness, organic problems, chemotherapy, improper care or nutrition as well as environmental pollution can play a role.

In any case, the loss of hair has a significant impact on the lives of those affected. They are unhappy and sometimes desperate, as the search for causes and solutions to the hair problems often takes years or remains futile. After intensive study of millennia-old Ayurvedic knowledge, supplemented by new scientific findings, Gianni Coria has developed a successful concept for the care and vitalization of the hair. Through the analysis of the scalp, an individual diagnosis and the stimulation of hair growth with the help of natural products and massages, he helps those affected to regain full and healthy hair. The professional know-how of the hair growth specialist includes:

  • the most important facts about hair, its structure and nutrient supply
  • the different types of hair loss and their possible causes
  • holistic forms of therapy, tips and tricks from professionals
  • successful case studies of users and affected persons from practice

hair growth specialist accompanies you in case of unexpected hair loss

Enjoy the discreet and personal consultation with the hair growth specialist, the relaxing scalp massage, the beneficial product applications such as peeling and mask from YELASAI and a professional scalp analysis.