Haarausfall Pflege zu Hause mit den Produkten von Yelasai

Hair loss care at home

Our customer of hair growth specialist 3Werk in Thedinghausen (DE) has been taking care of his hair loss for 2 years comfortably and exclusively at home with care products from YELASAI. The hair grows back stronger and ever denser. Thank you very much for allowing us to share the pictures.

Care products for home

In addition to the consultation and scalp analysis recommended by us at the hair growth specialist, you apply daily according to the application recommendation the hair loss care products at home, which are tailored to your hair problem and recommended.

By using our products you will not only achieve a thorough cleansing that is gentle on the hair, but in addition the skin pores of the scalp will be opened, which is one of the prerequisites for new hair growth. Our hair care products support the normal functions of the scalp, revitalize and regenerate the hair roots and strengthen the basic structure of the hair. The balance of hair and skin functions is actively promoted so that increased and non-disease-related hair loss can be counteracted. A healthy scalp is the prerequisite for strong hair.

Through the active care of the scalp and the correct and consistent cleaning and revitalization, we create together the appropriate basis for new, strong and vital hair growth.