Haarausfall - Was hilft bei Spezialistin Karin El Benna

Hair loss - What helps specialist Karin El Benna

Hair growth specialist Karin El Benna knows what helps with hair loss

Karin El Benna is a very experienced hairdresser and expert for plant hair dyes from Waltalingen. As a long-time hair growth specialist she can already show some very pleasing results with customers with various hair problems.

Reports of positive experiences with the YELASAI - concept there are from Karin El Benna already some. As the world's first certified hair growth specialist, Karin El Benna was instrumental in the development of the hair growth reactivating concept.

Thinning hair on the top of the head

At the beginning of the collaboration with YELASAI in early 2013, a client in her late fifties with thinning hair on the top of her head also started with the hair growth activating concept with Karin El Benna. After about 6 months, pleasing results were visible, the hair grew thicker and stronger again. Today, the client has been fully satisfied with her hair condition for a long time. Nevertheless, she still comes regularly to Coiffure El Benna for a scalp massage and scalp care mask and continues to use the Ayurveda Hair Active Shampoo by YELASAI - simply because it does her good.

Hair growth after chemotherapy

About 5% of chemotherapy patients get no hair after chemotherapy. Mrs. Pfister was one of them. For two years she wore a wig, until in 2012 she was made aware of the holistic hair care method of the hair growth specialist by her hairdresser Karin El Benna. Ms. Pfister went to Karin El Benna weekly for a scalp massage and used YELASAI's hair growth activating products regularly. In 2013, she was able to enjoy full and thick hair again. At the beginning of 2015, Mrs. Pfister had to undergo another chemotherapy where the doctors again made her aware of the complete hair loss. This time, she started using the specially developed scalp massage and hair growth-activating care products even before the renewed chemotherapy. The applications in combination with care products strengthened her hair so much that Mrs. Pfister did not suffer any hair loss, which she was extremely happy about. It was with great regret that we learned a short time later that our dear customer Mrs. Pfister had passed away as a result of her serious illness.

Sparse hair growth and large hair holes

In 2012, a 62-year-old customer of Karin El Benna suffered a total hair loss with subsequent sparse hair growth and large hair holes. The client started the Hair Growth Specialist's program 2 years ago and six to three quarters of a year later, there was beautiful hair growth. Today her hair is strong and full. She continues to use the YELASAI products for pleasure, just as she continues to enjoy the soothing scalp massage at Coiffeur El Benna every 6 weeks.

Hair crown and bald forehead

A male client around 70 has been working with the hair growth specialist's concept for a good 1.5 years now and comes regularly for a scalp massage. His crown of hair and balding forehead are beginning to close more and more.

Thinning hair and receding hairline

Client Marcel Geiger, in his mid-50s, has been coming regularly to Karin El Benna's salon for a scalp massage and mask every 2 weeks for about 2 years. Mr. Geiger describes these treatments as very relaxing each time and applies the YELASAI care products patiently and regularly. His perseverance is rewarded: the thinning hair on the top of his head, temples and the corners of his receding hairline are becoming thicker and thicker.

Hair growth without hair growth medication

Jan, a young man in his 20s, can now also look forward to hair growth after 1 year of use. At the beginning of the program he took hair growth medication from the doctor, which he discontinued after a short time. Circular hair loss Through the personal hair consultation hours that Karin El Benna offers, Mrs. Huber came to the concept of the hair growth specialist in November 2014 with circular hair loss over the entire head. Thanks to the weekly scalp massage and the regular use of the care products, the lady in her mid-70s has been able to enjoy full hair again since May 2015. Sparse hair growth after chemotherapy Another customer became aware of the hair growth specialist Karin El Benna through a newspaper article in the Schaffhauser Nachrichten. The lady in her mid-50s comes from Germany and suffered from sparse hair growth after chemotherapy. Since spring 2015, the customer has been coming weekly for a scalp massage and scalp care mask and regularly applies the YELASAI care products at home. Today in August 2015, 1cm hair stubble is already beautifully visible. "Hair loss is no longer a final fate and has many causes," says Karin El Benna. Whether hereditary, hormonal, total or circular hair loss: by appointment, Karin El Benna conducts free, half-hour consultations on the subject of hair loss, telephone registration is required. For personal consultations Karin El Benna and her team are at your disposal: Coiffure El Benna Neunfornerstrasse 12 8468 Waltalingen 052 745 25 06