Hair transplantation - Natural alternative from YELASAI The hair growth specialist offers a natural alternative to hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is - whether woman or man - for some a help to create a quick thickening of...
Gianni Coria interviewed by Sven Frank about YELASAI Gianni Coria interviewed by Sven Frank - Managing Director of the ICHP Group of Companies (Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy) Gianni Coria and Sven Frank in an...
Hair growth after chemotherapy - experience report Hair growth specialist supports for hair growth after chemotherapy Hair growth after chemotherapy is unfortunately not a given for all sufferers. After chemotherapy, the client suffered from poor hair growth...
Scalp analysis with the scalp camera - Andelfinger Zeitung Scalp analysis with the scalp camera - Gianni Coria and Coiffure El Benna in Andelfinger Zeitung Scalpanalysis with the scalp camera reveals hair problems - The scalp camera event at...
Report about YELASAI in Kurier Austria (2014) Report about YELASAI in the special supplement of Kurier Austria Report in the special supplement TABU of the Austrian newspaper Kurier Get advice from a hair growth specialist - your...
Hair after chemotherapy - experience report Mrs. Pfister Hair after chemotherapy - Mrs. Pfister and her experience Video - Mrs. Pfister talks about her hair after chemotherapy Hair after chemotherapy - Mrs. Pfister in video about her...
Hair loss due to medication - experience report Hair loss due to medication - Mrs. Jucker in the video about her experience with YELASAI
Hair growth specialist Coiffure El Benna newspaper article Newspaper Andelfinger Nachrichten reports about hair growth specialist Coiffure El Benna Newspaper Andelfinger Nachrichten of March 4, 2014 reports about Karin El Benna of Coiffeur El Benna in Waltalingen and...