Haarausfall wegen Chemotherapie - Beratung bei Coiffure El Benna

Hair loss associated with chemotherapy

Hair loss due to chemotherapy

Hair growth specialist Karin El Benna from Coiffure el Benna in Waltalingen advises and accompanies her customers on all aspects of hair and scalp. Even for people who have experienced hair loss due to chemotherapy, there is hope for new hair growth. Or on strengthening of still existing hair.

Care with natural products and massages for hair loss due to chemotherapy

A 68-year-old customer has been suffering from severe hair loss for a long time. Especially when wet, her hair fell out in clumps. This was compounded by nine weeks of chemotherapy. Karin El Benna treated her customer's hair with special, natural care products and pampered her with massages and biophoton therapy. After just three or four applications, the first changes could be seen. The customer lost less and less hair and today she has practically no hair loss.

Karin El Benna will be happy to provide personal information about her successful hair loss treatments. She also offers solutions for other hair problems. Just call and make an appointment for a consultation.