Marco aus "Welt der Wunder" und kreisrunder Haarausfall

Marco from Welt der Wunder: Circular hair loss

You know Marco from the TV feature "Welt der Wunder"? Here you can see his result after YELASAI scalp care.

In the report on "Welt der Wunder" you met Marco from Salon Capelli in Ingolstadt. For several years Marco has been struggling with large-scale, circular hair loss. One day, he decided to visit hair growth specialist Michaela Wasserle and undergo YELASAI scalp care. Would you have recognized Marco?

Circular hair loss - causes

Research has been going on here for years, but the causes of circular hair loss (alopecia areata) are not yet fully understood. From psychological stress, improper diet or medication and many, many more - or an unfavorable combination of all of the above.

This can cause the scalp to lose important nutrients that are essential for hair growth. With circular hair loss, there is often no itching in the bald spots, nor is the scalp visibly irritated. The hair simply stops growing in these areas.

Circular hair loss - we accompany you

In order to reduce bald spots and to be able to give the scalp, as well as the hair roots, important nutrients again, we have developed some care products. These products are designed for professional use, which is why you should consult one of our hair growth specialists before and during use.