dichteres haar ayurvedische haarpflege

Thicker hair through Ayurvedic hair care

When our client came to our salon for the first time, we were amazed at the variety of methods she had already tried to combat her hereditary hair loss . From the natural but less effective method of spraying rosemary on her hair, to using the chemical minoxidilwhich focuses specifically on hereditary hair loss but caused her side effects, she had tried everything. She was now looking for natural scalp care products to prevent her severe hair loss.

When our customer came to our salon for the first time, she showed us redness on her scalp. A scalp analysis revealed that this was probably caused by the chemical she was using, Minoxidil. She had been using Minoxidil for some time to reduce her hereditary hair loss and now wanted to find a natural scalp treatment that would not cause any side effects.

As our hair growth specialists at Maischön in Bregenz and Dornbirn offer the service of scalp massage to promote natural hair growth in combination with Ayurvedic hair care, we were able to create a personalized care plan for our customer that promotes her hair growth .

We have been using YELASAI's natural hair growth products in our care treatments for a long time. After an individual hair analysis, we now recommended our customer the hair serum for growth for daily use.

Our client visited our salon regularly for an intensive scalp care treatment as well as scalp massageswhich stimulate blood circulation to the scalp. At home, she massaged her hair serum into her scalp daily and also brushed her hair with a boar brushto allow the serum to work better and stimulate blood circulation to the scalp.

Results after a year of active scalp care

Our customer's hair not only became thicker and stronger, but her hair loss also decreased considerably. Her scalp felt healthier and hair growth was naturally stimulated. The combination of Ayurvedic hair care and targeted salon treatments showed pleasing hair growth results.

We are very grateful that we can integrate the natural hair growth products from YELASAI into our service. Our client was overjoyed when she saw the visible change in her hair and was happy to have found a natural alternative to minoxidil !