The benefits of active scalp care
Are you looking for an alternative to classic hair transplantation?
Have you already had a hair transplant?
Natural hair thickening by activating your own hair follicles?
Hair transplant or hair care?

Scalp care for natural hair growth after or instead of a hair transplant
Whether man or woman, hair transplantation is a help for some to quickly thicken the hair situation.
Experience shows that after just a few years, the non-transplanted hair continues to fall out.
This is because the cause of hair loss has not been resolved.
The hair growth specialist supports and accompanies you in order to strengthen your own hair again and to reactivate the atrophied hair roots.
Are you interested in an alternative to the classic hair transplant? Have you had a hair transplant? Would you like natural hair thickening through the activation of your own hair follicles?
Now actively care for your scalp
Your hair transplant may have been years ago or at least 3 months after the transplant the scalp will have recovered to such an extent that your scalp can be actively cared for with the hair growth specialist 's holistically inspired care concept. This is recommended by experienced specialists to maintain thick and full hair in the long term.
As soon as the hair thins and more and more scalp is visible, this shows that more and more hair roots are atrophied due to many different circumstances such as incorrect scalp care and the hair follicles are becoming more and more closed. You can have your hair situation precisely analyzed by a hair growth specialist with 50 to 200x magnification and learn to understand the current situation. Through holistic scalp and hair care and the support of a hair growth specialist, your own hair roots can be reactivated and your hair can grow naturally thicker and stronger.

Looking for an alternative to hair transplantation? Get advice!
Active scalp care is crucial for the natural preservation of the hair so that you can enjoy your vital hair in the long term.
Get advice and support from a certified hair growth specialist in your area .
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