Haarausfall beim Mann - Kopfhautpflege bei Haarkranz

Hair loss in men - scalp care for hair ringlet

Hair loss in men - scalp care for hair crowns

Testimonial from ADÉVE ORGANIC SALON - your hairdresser and YELASAI hair growth specialist in Waiblingen

When the forehead moves sideways more and more upwards and backwards and the receding hairline shows up more and more, scalp care from the hair growth specialist can be a way to new hair growth. The hair structure has already changed after 2 months and the result after 5 months can also be seen. Stronger and denser hair motivates the customer to continue to actively use scalp care. A vital scalp brings hair loss back to a normal state. The hair that falls out on the pillow is reduced, less hair comes out when brushing, which already gives a reassuring feeling. As soon as the first new hairs grow back, there is also the confidence that the time invested in the scalp has been worth it.