Haarausfall stoppen?

stop hair loss?

Stop hair loss?

Stopping hair loss: How long does it last and what are the causes?
Hair loss is a natural process that usually occurs every 2-8 years. During this time, the hair goes from the anagen phase into a shedding phase (also called the telogen phase) of around 2-4 months before new hair is formed again. In this phase, the hair roots are no longer adequately supplied with nutrients and detach themselves from the bloodstream. The hair that is no longer connected to the bloodstream cannot be saved because the nutrient supply is missing.

It is important to understand that you cannot stop hair loss completely. Instead, you can promote new hair growth to improve hair volume and density.

Stress, be it physical or psychological, can disrupt the normal hair cycle and lead to premature telogen hair loss. In extreme cases, severe experiences can also lead to circular hair loss or total hair loss. Often, behind extraordinary hair loss, there is an individual, more intense life story that finds expression in the hair.

If the scalp is not cared for adequately or this can lead to the hair becoming thin and fine and so normal hair change occurs more often. Because the thinner the hair becomes, the more these fine hairs are replaced. The goal is to promote strong and thick hair again so that you have a free choice of hairstyle.

Stop hair loss?

It usually takes 3 to 4 months to see the first results of active hair growth promotion. It is important to be patient and it is only beneficial to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and proper hair care during this time.

Weight loss, hair loss?

Losing a lot of weight and sudden changes in diet can actually cause hair loss. These changes in the body can lead to increased detoxification, which can also affect the scalp. Increased sebum secretion, which contains waste products, can show up on the scalp and hair follicles. This can lead to an impairment of the nutrient supply to the hair roots and can ultimately lead to increased hair loss.

In order to reduce hair loss by losing weight and changing your diet, active scalp care before changing your diet would make sense to counteract possible hair loss. It is also important to ensure the body's supply of nutrients. A balanced diet with sufficient proteins, vitamins and minerals is crucial to strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth. Supplements like biotin and zinc can also be helpful.

It is also important to gently detoxify the body to avoid excessive stress on the hair roots. A gradual and moderate detoxification can be useful to gently support the body.

In addition to proper nutrition and detoxification, it is important to properly care for the scalp and hair. Use mild shampoos and conditioners tailored to the scalp's needs and avoid excessive styling and heat.

If hair loss is unsettling, it is advisable to use the micro camera to take a closer look at the scalp at a hair growth specialist in order to optimize your personal scalp and hair care.

Hair loss after operations

It is known that hair loss can occur after surgery, and it is not uncommon for this to happen around 3-4 months after surgery. This hair loss is called telogen effluvium and occurs due to stress or traumatic events that the body is exposed to.

Surgery can cause increased levels of stress in the body, which can result in temporary hair loss. In addition, surgery can also affect other factors related to hair growth, such as nutritional supply.

It has been found that surgery can deplete the body's stores of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is important for hair growth and general metabolism. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to hair loss.

In order to reduce hair loss after surgery and promote hair growth, it is important to ensure the supply of nutrients. This can be achieved through a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. If there is a proven deficiency of vitamin B12, a short-term, significantly increased supplement can also be considered in consultation with a doctor. You can find an everyday, comprehensive dietary supplement with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements here: Coriase Hair&Vital micronutrients .

It is important to note that hair loss after surgery is usually temporary and hair growth usually returns to normal within a few months. However, in rare cases it may take longer.

If hair loss persists or worsens after surgery, it is advisable to take a closer look. A scalp and hair analysis from a hair growth specialist can help you find the optimal scalp and hair care to specifically promote hair growth. The Ayurveda-inspired care products actively contribute to promoting hair growth .

Drug causes hair loss

Certain medications can cause hair loss. A look at the package insert or a conversation with a doctor or pharmacist can quickly tell you whether there is a risk of hair loss. The medications cortisone, antibiotics and certain chemotherapy drugs are known to cause the side effect “hair loss”.

Cortisone, often used to treat inflammation and autoimmune diseases, can cause hair loss. This happens because cortisone can disrupt the normal hair cycle and cause the hair to enter the resting phase (telogen phase) prematurely.

Some antibiotics, particularly certain classes such as fluoroquinolones, can also cause hair loss. This may be due to a disruptive effect on the hair cycle or an impairment of the nutrient supply to the hair follicles.

Chemotherapy is known to cause hair loss because it aims to destroy fast-growing cells, including hair follicle cells. In this case, hair loss is often temporary and hair usually begins to grow back after treatment is completed.

If you are taking medication and notice hair loss, it is important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist. In some cases, adjusting medication or supplementing with nutrients can help reduce hair loss.

It is important to note that not all people who take these medications will inevitably experience hair loss. The body's reaction to medication can vary from person to person. If you are concerned, you should speak to a professional to determine the exact cause of hair loss and take appropriate action.

A hair growth specialist is your hair expert when it comes to promoting hair growth.
Scalp care is an essential part of hair care and helps promote vital hair growth. Similar to brushing your teeth, scalp care should be integrated into our daily routine.

A hair growth specialist can help you identify the right care products for your scalp, be it a mild shampoo, a revitalizing scalp mask or a special serum to promote hair growth. They can also show you techniques and massage strokes to improve blood flow to the scalp and promote nutrient supply to the hair follicles.

Care application advice from hair growth specialists can help you develop a tailored scalp care routine to suit your individual needs. You can also find out about possible care treatments in the salon that can actively promote hair growth.

By regularly caring for your scalp and following the recommendations of hair growth specialists , you can support vital hair growth and contribute to maintaining healthy, beautiful hair.